Wholesale Directions

Please follow these easy steps:

  1. Please email or call us a request on your business letterhead or with you business card so we can verify your Wholesale status.
    Our Phone number is (864) 540-6303, Email: bsosortho@gmail.com
  2. After your wholesale status has been verified, you’ll receive our special wholesale pricelist and the Product Program.
  3. We have over 325 products that are available to you. Please take the time to get familiar with our products & with us.Look over our BSOS website. We have NEW items being introduced on a regular basis.   https://bsosortho.com.
  4. Read over our “Online Credit Terms & Conditions”.
  5. If needed, simply download our Credit Application and fax it back to us at (864) 540-6303
  6. If you have a Sales Tax Exemption Form, please send us a copy for our records.

You are now ready to place your first order at the Dealer/Wholesale Price level!


BSOS Orthopedic Supply